CASE STUDY: Helping to prevent chain failure for bakery customer

Food & Beverage
Bread packaging machine
Cost & Time Saving
Significant reduction in downtime
A bakery customer was experiencing excessive downtime due to chain failure in one of their applications. Due to the stop-start nature of the machine, the chain would only last a few months meaning it that downtime and unnecessary costs were mounting up quickly. They got in touch with ACORN to find an alternative that could result in a longer service life
ACORN’s Power Transmission Product Manager, Paul Speight assessed the application and found that the brittleness of the bush was the cause of the chain’s failure and that alternative lube-free options wouldn’t necessarily provide better results. Two types of chain were suggested, alongside a Rotalube chain lubrication system for trial. In addition to this, 4 sprockets were changed to hardened tooth, machined bore sprockets, to help stop chain wear. Overall, ACORN supplied 2 full sets of sprockets, Renold Synergy chain, and a Rotalube system for a workshop trial. After 4 months of use, there were no signs of wear or failure. In addition to the reductions in unplanned downtime, ACORN was also able to provide a 10% cost saving compared to the customer’s previous supplier.
ACORN can find the best solution for your specific application, get in touch to dicuss potential cost saving solutions