CASE STUDY: Cutting lead times and providing cost saving alternatives for local asphalt plant

Mining & Quarrying
Aphalt mixer
Time/Cost Saving:
Reduced maintenance & increased production
The issue
A local asphalt plant were replacing their bearing units every 8-10 months due to the harsh conditions, meaning they were frequently having to shut down machinery for maintenance causing unnecessary downtime and loss of production.
The solution
After careful analysis and discussions with their local branch manager, it was determined that their best option would be to swap out their current units for the Timken Type-E TRB Housed Units. The plant had previous experience with Timken units which were still running 3+ years after fitting, and were delighted to find ACORN® could provide Type-E units same-day from stock. With 3x greater misalignment capability and 12% higher load carrying capacity, the Type-E housings will offer superior performance and vastly reduced downtime through their life span.
Contact your local branch to discuss time saving solutions for your applications.