Protorque® power transmission

Protorque® Power Transmission focuses on creating high-quality power transmission products such as belts and chains designed for various industrial applications

Industrial belts - include wrapped V-belts, wedge belts, cogged V-belts, HTD timing belts, and polyurethane timing belts, designed for efficiency and durability in numerous mechanical systems.

Transmission Chains - Protorque also offers roller chains and conveyor chains for reliable heavy-duty power transfer across various industrial systems.

Reasons to buy from us

Why choose Protorque power transmission products?

Benefits of Protorque power transmission products include: 

  • High-quality products: Their products are known for their durability, precision engineering, and ability to perform reliably under heavy loads and challenging conditions
  • Sustainability focus: emphasizes sustainability across its development and manufacturing processes. By optimising their supply chain and production methods, they seek to reduce their environmental impact and create products that contribute to a sustainable future
  • Industry expertise and support: With extensive experience in power transmission and a knowledgeable support team here at ACORN® we can help you with your applications needs and any products questions you may have.

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