Spanners and Sockets

Approximately 16% of all premature bearing failures can be attributed to poor fitting practices. Using the correct spanner or socket could help to reduce the risk of bearing failure in your machinery.

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Why use spanners and sockets for mounting and dismounting bearings?

A wide range of spanners and sockets are available to suit all shapes and sizes of bearing lock nuts. Whether the bearing is mounted directly on the shaft or onto a sleeve, there is a spanner or socket available. 

Using a correctly fitted spanner or socket helps to reduce the risk of nut damage, as well as reducing the risk of damage to the bearing and surrounding equipment. 

The use of a spanner and socket can also reduce the manual effort required, along with reducing the risk of injury during mounting and dismounting. 

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  • Hook spanner (40)
  • Axial Lock Nut Sockets (21)
  • Impact Spanner (8)
  • Hook spanner set (1)
  • Lock Nut Spanner (1)