Miniature linear guides

Miniature profile rail guides are widely used in the electronics industry, general machine automation and medical equipment. They offer high load capabilities combined with smooth, precise linear motion. 

1-20 of 66 products

What are miniature linear guides?

These are miniature profile rail guide systems, with sizes from 15 down to a tiny 2mm. They are used where guidance is required within a compact installation. They are commonly used in single rails configuration.

Applications typically include medical and test equipment, together with general automation.

THK’s popular RSR and RSH range of miniature linear motion guides has now been phased out, having been replaced by the SRS range. Please contact us to find out the most appropriate SRS model for your existing RSR or RSH product. THK has recently announced that SRS rail and carriages will be available as an interchangeable product (GK type). Once these are available then Acorn will stock SRS carriages and rails.

Acorn also hold stock of the Ewellix LLM miniature rail guide systems. Rails are cut to length to suit your requirements. Ewellix LLM models are a physical interchange for all leading miniature rail guide manufacturer’s products.

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  • Just show products in stock (48)


  • THK (27)
  • Ewellix (15)
  • IKO (15)
  • NSK (9)


  • End seals (13)
  • Yes (5)
  • Low friction seals (4)

Preload class

  • T0 - Clearance (4)
  • T1 - Zero clearance to light preload (4)


  • P5 - Standard (15)


  • LA (4)
  • TA (4)