
At Acorn Industrial Services, we offer a large range of lubrication products designed to meet the diverse needs of various industries.

We supply the best lubrication products with expert advice available, and we are happy to support you in your application needs.

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Our lubrication

Reasons to buy from us

Why is lubrication so important?

To ensure that you get the most from your machinery, it is essential to ensure that it is properly lubricated. This means the right type of lubrication for the operating conditions, as well as the right amount.

Lubrication serves several purposes within machine components. 

Firstly, it reduces the coefficient of friction, allowing machine components to operate more efficiently. This can reduce energy consumption, saving the business money.

It also helps to protect components from contamination, keeping dust and dirt out of delicate components such as bearings. 

Lubrication also helps to extend the life of components, by reducing wear. This gives components the best possible chance of achieving their maximum possible service life. 

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